Moms Need “Me-Time”: Self-Care Encouragement
This post is sponsored by Membership for Overworked Moms, LLC. All opinions expressed are a true reflection of my individual thoughts.
As a first time mom I remember the first time I spent away from my little one. It was a coffee outing with my younger sister; our son was a month old at the time. Even in the midst of enjoying the quality time with the sis and double fisting pastries, my mind was focused on the baby!
Moms spend the majority of the day caring for others. Our days are filled with maintaining the needs of our little humans, our husbands, and the household; by the time we lay our heads down at night we realize that we’ve neglected personal self-care. I’m guilty of it too Mommas.
“Moms have so many roles, if we don’t get ourselves in the right headspace we can’t be present for our little ones.”, these are wise words from Sydnee Johnson, the owner of Membership for Overworked Moms (M.O.M.S), LLC .
Sydnee and I met on a FaceTime call during our children’s nap time and I had the opportunity to see her as her most authentic self: a mom and entrepreneur. After networking and becoming acquainted through email, I looked forward to finally meeting her face-to-face digitally. We met with no makeup, no frills, just two mompreneurs with the mutual mission of encouraging and supporting moms.
We had a conversation that included a sharing of our mom stories, our entrepreneurial goals, and the important role self-care plays in our lives.

Sydnee is a wife, and mom of 2 and has experienced her bout of motherhood challenges with premature births, and a child diagnosed with a hemangioma. In addition to this, she’s been the care taker for an ill parent. As she realized her own need for assistance and personal self-care, the idea of M.O.M.S, LLC was placed on her heart.
M.O.M.S, LLC is a one stop self-care service for moms & women. Housed in the DMV area, a membership provides its clients with the choice of a monthly service that ranges from a babysitter, nail service, hair service, and even estate planning. Additional provisions include mental health counseling , homework assistance, and educational advocacy. (Visit for a complete list of services.)
There are services offered in four areas of life: wellness, home, family services and goods. For those of us not in the DMV area, Sydnee also has resources that are available digitally, which extends the capabilities both nationally and internationally.
I had the opportunity to experience a digital chef cooking class and it was so refreshing! The membership is great for personal use and can even be gifted to a friend.
Sydnee and I both agree that self-care is essential to the motherhood experience. Pre-COVID-19, I ensured ‘me-time’ through regular massages, hair appointments, girl’s night out, and dinner dates. In the current pandemic, it can be difficult to tap into this personal time, but Mommas, we must remember to leave room for ourselves.
Here are a few words of encouragement from Sydnee Johnson to help push us towards a healthy direction of self-care.
- “Put yourself first, guilt free. We may feel guilty about this alone time, but remember you deserve it.”
- “Take time for yourself; sometimes self-care means being selfish for a moment… Take some time for tea, take the yoga class!”
- “Moms can’t do it all but we CAN do our best. You’re a mom, you’re doing a great job!”

Personal time is one of the healthiest gifts we can give to ourselves. Take a moment to assess the last time you’ve placed yourself first. Has it been a week? A month? A year? Chances are it’s probably been a while since you’ve taken the time you need and deserve.
This week, let’s challenge ourselves to spend one hour of time just for us. This can be anything that serves us personally. (Yes, Netflix counts, Ha!)
Mark 6: 31-32 & Proverbs 17:22
I’m so grateful to have had the chance to connect to a fellow mom who also has a passion for serving women in motherhood. I pray that this week’s chat encourages you to take some time for yourself. As Sydnee says, take that time for tea mommas!
Join me next week for a fun family dish with Chef Jonathan Sturdivant, a vendor of M.O.M.S, LLC. We’ll be cooking mac n cheese balls. Can’t wait to share! Chat next time for a sharing of REAL LIFE, FROM ONE MOM TO ANOTHER!
For more information about M.O.M.S, LLC, visit or e-mail Sydnee Johnson at
Great reminder of the importance of self . It took me years to learn that the healthier I am in all aspects the better I could be there for my family and others. When you are physically, emotionally and spiritually drained you can’t even help yourself let alone others. So, you owe it to yourself to take care of yourself.
Hi Mom! Yes totally agreed! As moms, Self Care doesn’t come natural to many of us. We become focused on our responsibilities and neglect ourselves. I agree we do owe it to ourselves!
LUV your blog!!
Thank you!! 💚