Happy Easter Mommas!
It’s been a while! I took some time off from writing to focus on self-care and my family. It feels so good to be back connecting with you all!
If you’re expecting one of my light and cheerful post, Sis, this ain’t the one! Ha! Today’s a bit different, no tips on ‘how to overcome XYZ’, no list of resources, no challenge for the week; just straight openness in the midst of a challenge.
With Easter on the horizon, I’ve been in some deep spiritual searching and wanted to come to you from a place of vulnerability. Thank you for allowing me to share openly.
Let’s Jump In.
If you follow the verse of the day on the YouVerson Bible App, you may have noticed that since Palm Sunday, the highlighted scripture has been slowly walking us through the events that unfolded before the resurrection. Today I’d like to specifically focus on Jesus pleading with father God.
“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will be done, not mine.” – Luke 22: 42
I’ve read this passage several times. I know it so well that honestly, the impact and severity of what Christ endured rarely produces strong emotion from me. (I love, revere, and worship Him for it, but I don’t normally become emotional about it.) However, this week, this past month, and this past year, I’ve had several ‘cups’ that I’ve asked God to remove. Those closest to me have had ‘cups’ that wouldn’t budge. These have been cups of marital stress and/or destruction, cups of financial turmoil, cups of sickness and disease, cups of grief, etc. I’ve been in prayer pleading with God to remove my cups and theirs. I’ve explained to Him that my loved ones and I don’t deserve the burdens we’ve suffered/are suffering.
“Fix it God, fix it!”, I’ve pleaded. “Make it go away!”, I’ve begged.
Reading the scripture above reminded me of one thing: Our cup of suffering may be in God’s will.
That moment of realization was the most painful feeling! I thought of Jesus and all He went through and how although He was innocent, God wouldn’t remove the cup because it was IN HIS WILL. At that moment I wept…. I screamed…. I told God it wasn’t fair and then exhausted, I sat in silence, in a cloud of spiritual agony….
Immediately following the verse cited above, the scripture reads:
“43Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him. 44He prayed more fervently, and he was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood.” – Luke 22: 43-44
Now, God never leaves us, but there are time in our lives where we need an angel to appear and stand beside us for strength. We need someone or something that we can see and touch to appear physically here on Earth beside us as we bear the cup. They can’t bear it for us, but their support and presence (along with God of course) strengthens us!
Today these ‘angels’ can be our family, friends, a sermon, a movie, a book, an unexpected package, a blog; something that our humanity can cling to.
God delivers these angels in His perfect timing for strength in this cup bearing.
We know the rest of the story. Things didn’t get better for Jesus here on Earth, in fact they spiraled quickly. He was betrayed by someone close to Him, endured the gruesome pain of flogging, publicly humiliated and ridiculed, and ultimately was crucified. It’s painful to realize that THIS was in God’s will?!!
I’m so thankful the story doesn’t end there…
As we know in 3 days Jesus rose from the dead and He was victorious. God transformed this painful tragedy into a good news story!
I encourage you that in whatever cup(s) you bear, know that you are not alone, and God still loves you even in the midst of bearing that cup. He has greater for you.
Quick Note:
Be careful not to allow your cups to manifest lies within you (I still struggle with this).
Be reminded:You are WORTHY! You are ENOUGH! You are LOVED!
As I look back on the ‘cups’ of my past, I see proof of His promises of hope and future. Proof that He never left me. Proof that even though there was pain, I needed to endure it to produce the outcome of His will. Proof, that he does remove cups from us, and we can be victorious!
I have no idea what His plan is for the reason I’m bearing my current cup, and I don’t know yours, but trust, He’s got a plan and a purpose for you!
Luke 22: 42-44, Luke 23: 26-56, Luke 24: 1-12, Jeremiah 29:11, Deuteronomy 31: 6 & 8
Whew! Today was a bit heavy, but I had to share what the Lord placed on my heart and I pray that this spoke to the heart of even one Momma reading this! Trust Him through it!
Have a blessed Easter and thank you for allowing me to share from my heart REAL LIFE, FROM ONE MOM TO ANOTHER.
Chat Soon,
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Wow! So very Deep….
Yes’m! I reached down deep for this one! Lol 💚